joi, 11 iunie 2015

Volunteer in Ruse (5)

Time is running fast in here. I am already thinking of the moment when we will leave this place, but there's more and I want to live it without shadows.

I figure it out: this town has some magic for me. Maybe because of the time of the year, when linden flowers bloomed and all the smell in the air is “white”, clear and “flavoured”. Maybe because of the fire fly that I saw last night flying in front of me on the way back home and I took it as a good sign. Maybe because Danube is so near, my home country the same, but I can't touch them. Maybe because when walking in the evening on the main way, through parks and between terraces, I hear the sounds of a peaceful leaving. Maybe because of the beautiful music I listened to a man playing in the main square. He was not perfect, but still so warm and dignified. Maybe because of the strange clouds appearing after summer rains or because the sunsets are like gold. Or maybe because I am here, with special persons that twisted some of my thoughts and showed me living the “samba” way.

I didn't like Bulgaria at all before coming here. And maybe this is why my first volunteering is here: to show me that I wasn't right. So... Ruse is the town of ballet (people are so thrilled in front of performers), of linden, parks, good air, noisy car in the morning, silent terraces, of Danube and braveness. There are a lot of tattooed people here, but beside this they are so similar, they don't have hipsters as we have, they have beautiful traditional music, with oriental influences, traditional dances that describes loving ritual in a very cheerful way, beautiful voices and costumes. They are as sad as Romanian are on the streets and still so communist. Drivers are crazy in the night – it happened to me that someone accelerated when I was crossing the street, almost touching me when passed. They have a lot of statues... but a lot. Boulevards are large, which in Bucharest is so rare.
Yesterday we had a lot of free time. Vincent thought about buying an instrument and we enjoyed it a lot. I went to a walk with the girls and listened to Despina telling us about her remote control in the supermarket, changing the channel of the cashier. Volunteers already formed groups where they feel comfortable and this is not the same with previous week, when we were all together. So, it seems that people are looking for "secure" in the end, for familiarity. The enthusiasm of knowing each other lost its power. I would've like the opposite,  but this is it and I am happy with this too.

So... We are going to the vice mayor today. Still having some Bulgarian lesson and that's it. Ruse has to surprise us more.

(Here you can listen to the man playing the guitar last night" and

(RO) Timpul zboara foarte repede aici. Deja ma gandesc la momentul in care va trebui sa parasim acest loc, dar mai sunt inca multe de trait si vreau sa traiesc aceste momente fara umbre.

Mi-am dat seama ca acest oras e intrucatva magic pentru mine. Poate pentru ca e acel moment din an cand teiul e inflorit, iar parfumul lui este peste tot alb, clar si aromat. Poate pentru ca am zarit un licurici calauzinadu-ma pe drumul spre casa in seara trecuta si am luat asta ca pe un semn bun. Poate pentru ca Dunarea si tara mea sunt atat de aproape de acest loc, dar nu reusesc decat sa le vad. Poate pentru ca atunci cand merg seara pe aleea principala, prin parcuri si printre terase, aud sunetul unei vieti pasnice. Poate pentru ca am ascultat acel om cantand imperfect in piata centrala, atat de cald si demn. Poate pentru ca norii sunt ciudati dupa ploile de vara, iar apusurile sunt aurii. Sau pentru ca pur si simplu sunt aici cu oameni speciali care au reusit sa imi suceasca opiniile, gandurile si sa-mi arate cum sa traiesti ca si cand dansezi.

Nu-mi placea deloc Bulgaria pana sa fi venit aici. Si poate de aceea primul meu voluntariat se desfasoara aici: sa aflu ca nu aveam dreptate. Ruse este orasul baletului (oamenii sunt foarte incantati in fata celor ce fac acest lucru) , al teiului, parcurilor, aerului curat, al masinilor zgomotoase de dimineata, al teraselor linistite, al Dunarii si al oamenilor bravi. Sunt multi oameni tatuati aici, dar in afara de asta se aseamana foarte mult unii cu altii; ei nu au hipsteri asa cum avem noi, au o muzica traditionala foarte frumoasa, cu influente orientale, care pe mine m-a facut sa lacrimez, dansuri traditionale foarte pline de viata, descriind un riatual al iubirii, voci frumoase si costume populare de asemenea. Locuitorii de aici sunt la fel de tristi ca cei din Romania si orasul inca are mult trasaturi comuniste. Soferii sunt de-a dreptul nebuni, mai ales noaptea. Mi s-a intamplat ca unul din ei sa accelereze cand treceam strada si aproape sa ma atinga. Ruse are multe statui... dar multe. Bulevardele sunt largi, ceea ce nu prea pot spune despre Bucuresti.

Ieri am avut mult timp liber. Vincent s-a gandit sa cumpere in final o orga veche si ne-am bucurat sa cantam la ea in felul nostru. Am fost la o plimbare cu fetele si am ras ascultand-o pe Despina cum, in loc de card, a scos o telecomanda pe care o luase din greseala in geanta, incercand sa schimbe canalele casierului. Voluntarii au format deja grupuri in care se simt mai conmfortabili, mai familiari, iar asa nu este deloc asa cum ma obisnuisem in saptamana trecuta, cand eram peste tot impreuna. Entuziasmul de a ne descoperi reciproc s-a cam pierdut. Mi-ar fi placut sa fie invers, dar ma bucur si asa.

Azi ne ducem la vice primar. Vom face si bulgara si asta e tot.  Orasul acesta trebuie sa ne surprinda mai mult.

(Aici il puteti asculta pe omul care canta la chitara seara trecuta in piata centrala: si

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