luni, 1 iunie 2015

Volunteer in Ruse (1)

EN: From A to 7. From a country to another one. From hot Bucharest to hotter Ruse. I didn't expect to get emotional, but it happened. From my Rcubes to volunteering for art. From Erik and my friends that were so close to me lately to the people I just met and that seem already interesting. 

Today? I saw how it is to cross the border by train and there is nothing out of the blue. But I felt a thrill knowing that one month I will be a Danube river far from Romania though still in another country. I feel already good here. The same but still different. I feel like I am back a student, taking my student housing room and starting walking a wire. This evening, we already met in a room, listened to music from each country we represent and talked anything we could find. I am sharing my room with three Polish girls - they just came, but right from this point, I can say whom I will resonate with - this will be a bet with myself.

Everything comes as it is, we hug smiles and new energies, we discover new cultures. I feel new, though still tired and you can say why: I've been on a chasing with myself and put into this all the people around me. But we kind of figured it out. 

Little Marie cried today when we saw each other after a long time. And Simona sent me some wonderful words accompanied by above photo. Light and hugs from Iasi city soul.

In his "taugh" own way, Erik... I know he will miss me. Me... of course.

Everyone on this planet speaks his own language, but we understand each other so good!

(RO) De la A la 7. Dintr-o tara intr-alta. Din Bucurestiul cald in Rusele si mai cald. Nici nu ma asteptam sa am emotii, dar au fost. De la RCuburile ultimelor zile la voluntariatul pentru carnaval. De la Erik si prietenii mei care m-au tot insotit in ultima vreme pana la oamenii noi pe care abia i-am intalnit si care deja mi se par interesanti. 

Azi? Am vazut cum este sa faci vama pe sine si nu-i nimic iesit din comun. Dar m-a incercat o furnicatura sa stiu ca o luna de zile voi fi la o Dunare latime distanta de Romania si, totusi, voi fi in alta tara. E bine aici. Asemanator si, totusi, distinct. Ma simt ca la facultate, cand imi iau camera de camin si incep un capat de ata. Ne-am strans cu totii sositi in seara asta si am ascultat muzica din fiecare tara (Romania, Grecia, Spania, Belgia), am vorbit diverse. Eu stau in camera cu trei poloneze - tocmai ce au sosit, dar pot spune inca de acum care vor fi persoanele cu care voi rezona - acesta va fi un pariu cu mine insami.

Se ia totul de-a valma, se imbratiseaza zambete si energii noi, se descopera culturi diferite. Ma simt noua, desi inca obosita si se intelege de ce: am fost intr-o goana cu mine si i-am luat dupa mine si pe cei din jur. Dar am tinut noi pasul cumva.

Marinus a plans azi cand ne-am revazut. Iar Simona mi-a trimis niste cuvinte minunate impreuna cu poza de mai sus. Lumina si imbratisari din sufletul iesean.

Erik, in stilul lui "tare pe pozitii"... stiu ca imi va duce dorul. Eu... bineinteles.

Fiecare pe planeta asta vorbeste limba lui, dar ne intelegem asa de bine!

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